About Us
What Is VISSTE ?
The Virtual Summer School Program on Teacher Education (ViSSTE) serves as a dynamic platform for students and faculty members to collaboratively foster a sustainable cross-national research culture. ViSSTE's activities encompass a range of engagements including general lectures, focus group discussions (FGDs), and research findings dissemination. Participants of ViSSTE comprise students and faculty members hailing from universities across Southeast Asia. Through ViSSTE, these individuals come together to exchange ideas, share insights, and collectively contribute to advancing the field of teacher education, transcending geographical boundaries and fostering a vibrant scholarly community in the region. ViSSTE also invites expert speakers who serve to stimulate creative ideas among students regarding the latest research trends. These seasoned speakers offer valuable insights, sharing cutting-edge knowledge and methodologies that inspire participants to explore new avenues of inquiry within the realm of teacher education. By engaging with these experts, ViSSTE participants are not only exposed to current research frontiers but are also encouraged to critically evaluate and innovate within their own academic pursuits, thus enriching the collaborative learning environment fostered by the program.
Goals of VISSTE
ViSSTE special goal is to teach students about cultural academics and how to organize, carry out, and present research based on community needs in field education through worldwide collaboration with instructors and students on a national and international level. The following are the specifics of these goals:
Fostering a culture of research among students in an educational setting.
Through cross-cultural dialogues, update and expand knowledge in the areas of basic and intermediate education.
Presenting Indonesian folk wisdom within the framework of elementary and secondary education pedagogy.
Forming alliances with people and with domestic and international educational institutions.
Writing manuscripts that are published in respectable national or worldwide publications as a consequence of workable collaborative research.
The Mascot of ViSSTE
Burhan, which is short for owl (Bahasa Indonesia – Burung Hantu), is the 2024 ViSSTE mascot. The reason owls were selected is that they have a unique educational perspective. Owl: a representation of insight, wisdom, and understanding. According to the owl concept, learning is a multifaceted process that calls for a variety of qualities, such as balance, intelligence, skill, and tenacity. Education may become more relevant and fulfill students' needs holistically by comprehending and putting these ideas into practice.