
The Virtual Summer School on Teacher Education (ViSSTE) 2024 offers participants (students and faculty members) an immersive experience to collaborate on research with the theme Camaraderie toward SDGs: Optimizing Technology Role of Sustainable Education in 21st Century. ViSSTE 2024 activities encompass general lectures, focus group discussions (FGDs), and research findings dissemination. During the dissemination sessions, ViSSTE participants have the option to attend either in-person or virtually. These sessions will also feature panelists from diverse backgrounds, as was done in ViSSTE 2023. ViSSTE 2024 will be conducted by the collaboration from all of study program in Cibiru Campus, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

Participants of ViSSTE 2024 not only gain learning experiences in collaborative research but also showcase cultural presentations as groups from each program or university during the virtual welcome ceremony. Besides, at the end of the dissemination sessions, participants are required to present cultural displays from their respective groups. Another innovation in ViSSTE 2024 is that collaborative research manuscripts by student delegations and faculty coaches will be published in a special edition journal of ViSSTE 2024.

Furthermore, the participants of ViSSTE 2024 will be more diverse with the inclusion of students from Computer Engineering, Multimedia Education, Software Engineering, and Master of Elementary Education programs. Previously, participants in ViSSTE 2022 and 2023 came from programs such as Elementary School Teacher Education, Early Childhood Education, Science Education, Chemistry Education, Biology Education, Mathematics Education, and English Education.

The topics for discussion in general lectures and collaborative research include: 1. The role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in global education development. 2. Navigating Science, Social Studies, and Education for Sustainable Development in Indonesia. 3. STEM-ESD-oriented learning in elementary, secondary, and tertiary schools. 4. The universality of language in communication and the development of Indonesian education and diplomacy.